24/7 Emergency Service

Category: Blog

Interns at Pure Life Vet

Sherina and Senit are our new interns @purelifevet. They are from College of Veterinary Medicine
at United Arab Emirates university all the way from Al Ain.

They choose Pure Life Vet Treatment because of its stand in giving animals a quality medical assistance and friendly neighborhood pet care.

They learn correct medical protocols at Pure Life Vet. And they learned so much from the staff on how to handle animals with passion and care.

We are honored to be part of your Veterinary Medicine journey.


Our team went to Red Crescent today to drop our second batch of donations to the victims of earthquakes in Syria and Turkey.

This is our way of simple contribution to our brothers and sisters affected by the tragedy.

givelove #earthquake #syria #turkey #purelife #plvt

Know About Pet Dental Care

Never neglect your pet’s dental hygiene 🦷 ✅

Brush your companions’ teeth regularly and make it a habit to consult your vets for a regular dental consultation to avoid illnesses caused by plaques.

Every Life Matters

Our hearts are devastated seeing the earthquake tragedy happened recently that shake Turkey and Syria.

Our prayers are with everyone who was affected by this. We are grateful to everyone who are helping the victims survive this calamity, saving precious lives.

Senior Pet Care

Knowing how to care for senior pets are important in order to give them the best care and treatment they need.

As pets age, they require often check-ups and variety of tests to ensure that their health and welfare are all good. These tests are essential to help determine any underlying conditions of your pets.

Let’s make sure that our pets get their necessary care on their senior years 💯

Kidney Care for Your Pets

Your pet’s kidneys are important because they help remove waste from the body. They also keep the balance of fluid and minerals in the body. If the kidney fail to function well, it could he life threatening for your pet companions.

Make sure you take care of your pet’s kidney to avoid serious complications.

Here are some ways on how to protect them 💯

2 Years of PureLife

We are celebrating our 2nd year Anniversary and we are thankful to everyone who supports us along the way 🎉

Pure Life Vet Treatment’s main objective is to provide a competent and quality medical care and assistance to all our clients.

Through the years, we maintain to provide a friendly neighborhood pet care to the community. We are glad to see a great impact of spreading relevant pet information and extending pet care.

Day by day, our passion and compassion for the animal community is growing and stronger, and we will keep on aiming to provide our valued customers and the community a well-deserved pet assistance.

Once again, we thank each and everyone who has been with us since day 1. Together, we create a friendly neighborhood pet care.