Pure Life Veterinary Treatment

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Ave 14th Street, Mirpur 210, San Franciso, USA 3296.

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dr khalid Veterinary Treatment Dubai
Veterinary Ultrasound Specialist

Dr. Khalid Gouda


Specializations: Ultrasound techniques and Internal medicine
for small animals

Experience: 6+ years of professional experience

Languages Spoken: English and Arabic

Dr. Khalid Gouda’s qualifications and specialization in various ultrasound techniques and internal medicine for small animals are impressive. His ISVPS GPCert in Ultrasound and his focus on abdominal, thoracic, eye, neck ultrasound, and Echocardiography demonstrate a comprehensive approach to diagnostic imaging. Graduating from Mansoura University and specializing in such critical areas of veterinary medicine, Dr. Gouda is well-equipped to provide excellent care for pets, particularly in diagnosing and managing complex conditions.

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